Soil Sampling Services

Offering a holistic approach to soil sampling, regenerative farming advice, precision farming services and soil carbon assessments – helping to make your business sustainable in any agricultural system.

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Soil Sampling for health and fertility

Soil sampling provides accurate and reliable measurements of soil health and fertility enabling the targeted and efficient use of fertilisers and lime. Accurately measure your soil indexes.

We provide the following services:

  • W pattern whole field sampling
  • Grid based sampling
  • VRA lime, P&K
  • PCN Sampling
  • N – Min sampling
  • Organic matter sampling
  • Carbon sampling
  • Biological reports
Soil sampling servIces offer ICON

A complete, tailored, soil sampling and reporting service.


Soil sampling services offer - image shows a soil sampling tractor in field

Building soil health from the ground up

Become economically and environmentally sustainable, in any agricultural system.

W Pattern Soil Sampling

The traditional W pattern sampling technique involves sampling 25 cores of soil from a field or from a “part field” to give the grower a soil analysis to help make fertiliser decisions from.

GPS Grid Soil Sampling

DJL Agriculture’s grid soil sampling software uses real-time grid maps of your land. It identifies the middle of each grid cell, allowing you to collect strategic soil samples by grid your own zone.

GPS PCN Grid Sampling

DJL Agriculture’s unique PCN sampling Service ensures the most robust sampling techniques are used with an automated sampler, guaranteeing consistency to the sampling depth.

Carbon Sampling

Let us dig into your soil with our Carbon Check service and provide you with the answers! We help you discover how many tonnes of organic carbon are you sitting on in your field per hectare.

GPS Field Mapping

DJL Agriculture has taken soil testing to the next level with high quality digital & paper maps produced using our GPS mapping service with hi-tech kit installed suitable for any farming system.